Instagram Art: The new landscape for creators

The question are the new platforms for sharing and connecting shaping the Artworks made. My initial response to this question is yes. It has to be the case, that you shape the presentation of ones works, to be visually appealing, to grab the viewers attention.

Sometimes when scrolling through my instagram feed, I generally see two types of posts. The first, being of an Artist showing his or her process, a studio picture, a work in the making. This post I generally like, as some of the posts can be inspiring, and provide a bit of information. How another Artist has set up their studio and such like can be interesting. The other type of post, is the visually seductive one, that resemble almost a stage set, a make believe world. The question for myself, is it enough. An Artist comes upon a visually seductive technique, and this technique becomes the Art. You could say this is just as valid, as say a more challenging visual presentation. Is one fast Art, and the other opening the visual window of the viewer.

This is the area Iā€™m fascinated on exploring in next Blog